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Academic Policies & Standards

Internal Quality Assurance System

Ensuring excellence in education through rigorous quality assurance practices.


Charisma University ensures the delivery of high-quality services through its Internal Quality System (IQAS). Administered by the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) Team, which includes the Senior Vice President for Internal Quality Systems, this system holds quarterly meetings via WebEx to assess and enhance various aspects of the university’s programs.

The Internal Quality Assurance System is designed to analyze and improve programs, aligning with standards set by the Council for Higher Education and Accreditation’s (CHEA) International Quality Group. Annually, the IQAS Team reviews Charisma University’s performance based on the CHEA framework. This evaluation focuses on internal control systems, policies, course contents, instructional methods, assessments, research, the working environment, and administration. The aim is to keep course contents current and practical, ensuring students can effectively apply their learning in real-world scenarios. The annual review process is comprehensive, covering program learning outcomes, instructional methods, assessment methods, the working environment, and administration, with a specific emphasis on “Program Learning Outcomes” and “Faculty Performance.

Quality Assurance Purpose and Principles

Quality assurance at Charisma University serves the following purposes:

  1. Enable the University to ensure that standards are relevant, competitive, and consistently maintained.
  2. Assure that quality issues are promptly and successfully addressed.
  3. Facilitate continuous quality enhancement.
  4. Provide timely, definitive, and accessible information to University stakeholders regarding the academic experience.
  5. Ensure that adequate resources support instruction and learning, maintaining and enhancing quality learning outcomes.


The annual evaluation conducted by the IQAS Team is based on key principles, where Charisma University is expected to:

  1. Develop and implement sound internal quality assurance systems supported by procedures to ensure standards are met.
  2. Apply quality and standards at the course level to enhance individual programs.
  3. Collect and maintain accurate, thorough, and reliable information about the quality of its programs and uniform implementation methods.
  4. Stringently review IQAS evaluation results, especially in terms of specific disciplines and programs.
  5. Assess external reference sources, including subject benchmarks.
  6. Evaluate internal systems supporting effective information management and their contribution to the administration of quality and standards.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO’s)

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are clear statements defining observable and measurable student performance, forming the basis for evaluating learners’ achievements. These statements outline the competencies students should master by the end of their program. PLOs, distinct from course-level outcomes, encompass the cumulative knowledge, skills, and attitudes acquired throughout the entire degree program at Charisma University.

Assessing PLOs involves evaluating students against expectations for knowledge and competencies, providing valuable insights for Charisma University leadership into the effectiveness of their programs in facilitating student learning. Establishing PLOs is a collaborative effort involving all faculty members, recognizing that learning transcends individual courses. Charisma University utilizes precise assessment tools to accurately gauge students’ learning across their respective programs.

PLOs: Assessment Measures

Charisma University employs two main types of assessment measures: direct and indirect. Direct assessment involves evaluating samples of student work that directly demonstrate acquired learning. On the other hand, indirect assessment relies on secondary data, including students’ perceptions of their learning and alumni feedback on their past experiences at the University.

Direct Assessment Measures:

The IQAS Team typically gathers direct assessment measures from individual or group assignments that students submit for evaluation. This includes individual work as well as collaborative projects. Examples of direct assessment measures include discussion questions, research papers, essays, case studies, service-learning, field work, and internships at the Program level.

Indirect Assessment Measures:

Indirect assessment measures focus on student/alumni opinions, rankings, and beliefs provided by external individuals. Unlike direct measures, these do not showcase student work but offer insights into students’ readiness for corporate performance, comparisons of university-based proficiencies with workplace colleagues, and overall stakeholder opinions.

PLOs: Instructional & Learning Strategies

In the context of Charisma University, the choice of assessment measures is a crucial responsibility of the IQAS Team. The team determines the appropriate measure by aligning it with Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs), which define expectations for student learning and competencies. Assessment measures serve as a reflection of the intersection between instructional methods, learning experiences, and the types of activities students engage in within individual Programs.

Teaching and learning strategies play a fundamental role in achieving student learning outcomes. Strategies such as lectures, discussions, assigned readings, discussion questions, research papers, and feedback contribute to student learning. At Charisma University, commonly used assessment measures for fundamental-level PLOs include research paper results, test results, and discussion questions results. Effective instructional strategies are essential for students to attain expected outcomes.

To meet the university’s expectations for student competencies and knowledge, faculty members are encouraged to be creative in their instructional methods and strategies. For instance, cyber approaches to learning, including lectures and discussions, may be used in introductory courses to introduce learners to basic concepts. As students progress through the Program, they encounter a variety of instructional methods, gradually advancing from fundamental to higher levels of expectations and methods for learning. It is important to note that at the Graduate and Doctoral Program levels, professors have flexibility in choosing pedagogical approaches suited to the sophistication and advanced knowledge of learners at these stages.

Quality Indicators at Charisma University

Charisma University employs quality indicators to enhance the assessment process, focusing on key areas such as Program structure, content, modes of delivery, student learning assessment, and resources.

1. Program Structure

The expected Program structure and policies are designed to align with specified Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and degree-level expectations. New Programs should justify their length and requirements, while existing Programs require ongoing monitoring and management.

2. Program Content

High-quality Program content reflects the current state of the discipline. Faculty members are encouraged to innovate, particularly in graduate Programs, where evidence of content review and alignment with global standards is essential.

3. Modes of Delivery

Delivery methods for distance online and onsite learning should be effective in achieving Program learning outcomes, ensuring appropriateness for each context.

4. Student Learning Assessment

This indicator emphasizes the use of both direct and indirect assessment methods, requiring faculty members and Program heads to demonstrate effective documentation and performance evaluation consistent with the University’s degree-level expectations.

5. Resources

All Programs are expected to fully leverage human, physical, and financial resources provided by the University to meet Program objectives. New Programs should demonstrate maximum utilization of existing resources and a commitment to supplementing them when necessary.

Structured Procedure: Assessment Evidence Collection

The collection of assessment evidence is based on an established procedure that is comprised of five components: a self-study report by the program being reviewed; external evaluation; internal response to review and recommendations; development and approval of implementation plan; and, monitoring on implementation of recommendations.

1. Self-Study Reports:

The Self-Study Report serves as the foundation of Program reviews and establishes Program quality indicators against which every Program is assessed. IQAS Team members will assure that key performance indicators include an analysis of student outcomes based on the current year as well as year-on-year performance. Said analysis shall allow for adequate consideration of significant variations in student achievement between various program components. The Report is broad-based and reflective such that it should demonstrate how the Program contributes to the attainment of Charisma University’s mission. The Self-Study report presents evidence supporting evaluations of Program requirements, PLOs, degree level expectations, as well as the required human and physical resources to make them achievable. The Self-Study Report also addresses issues and recommendations presented in earlier reviews. To accomplish this Self-Study Report, IQAS Team collaborates with staff members at the Provost’s Office so that they can access institutional data as well as other key indicators of program quality. Preferably, the IQAS Team solicits comments from other Program members as well as other University stakeholders as necessary. After the Self-Study Report has been completed, it is submitted to the Dean who, in turn, reviews it prior to formulating an action plan.

2. External Assessment and Reporting:

The IQAS Team, in collaboration with the respective Program Dean recommends to the Chief Academic Officer & Provost faculty leads who will serve as liaisons between university officials and external reviewers of each Program. These faculty leads should be tenured, active and esteemed in their respective fields. For undergraduate Programs, the IQAS Team requires that one faculty lead should be assisting external assessors in their completion of their processes, including gathering data for review, providing requested access, and other duties as assigned. On the other hand, for graduate Programs, two faculty leads shall be assigned to external assessors. Faculty leads may request assistance through Office of the President when data requests and associated tasks are labor intensive. External assessors are encouraged to engage with the IQAS Team as well as with other faculty, students, staff, and administrators. All participants are compelled to respect confidentiality throughout the process. The activities of the external assessors result in the submission of a final report to the appropriate Program Dean, Provost, the IQAS Team and University President. Charisma University shall rely on the services of educational providers such as Pearson and Spantran when consultation in necessary during periodic program reviews.

3. Response to Reports:

The Dean and IQAS Team, upon receiving the external reviewers’ reports, will convene to review recommendations, categorize them based on priority, and to consider their viability with Charisma University goals and resources in mind. Moreover, the Dean and IQAS Team will collaborate to respond to the external assessor’s report and submit this data to the Provost. Included in this Report Response is a proposed plan for improvements based on external review recommendations as well as a proposed timeline for implementation and completion. In the event that these plans would entail additional resources as well as potential modifications to organizational structure, system or policy, the Dean will convey proposed measures about how these changes can be effectively undertaken to the Office of the President.

4. Gaining Approval:

After receiving the Report Response, the Provost disseminates the Self-Study Report, the External Review Report as well as the Response Report to the Advisory Council and the IQAS Team. Again, utmost confidentiality must be assured in the handling, processing and responding to all of the reports and recommendations. The IQAS Team examines all of the assessment results and prepares a Final Assessment Report in accordance with its own Program assessment based on aforementioned direct and indirect measures. This Final Report synthesizes all of the assessment findings and recommendations, highlights the strengths of the Program being reviewed, and emphasizes the opportunities for improvement and enhancement. The Final Report also reflects agreed-upon plans for improvement made by the respective Program Dean.

During each FALL season, the IQAS Team, Provost and Program heads prepare an annual report to the Advisory Council pertaining to all program reviews accomplished during the academic year at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. They provide updates to the Council regarding the progress on implementation of the recommendations from the Final Report and are a direct reflection of Charisma University’s reviews and incorporating action plans. Charisma University shall assure that reporting has addressed year-on-year student satisfaction, retention and achievement, staff performance, and resourcing issues. They also update the Council pertaining to the schedule of reviews for the next academic year. All policy and procedural concerns are discussed so that a meeting may be convened to consider such issues. In turn, all of these reports, recommendations and updates are forwarded to their final destination, which is the Executive Leadership Committee of Charisma University. This leadership team subsequently approves any additional proposed changes, as well as any requests for additional resources as necessary. Upon approval, the Final Report will be posted on the Charisma University website and sent to the IQAS Team to serve as the standard for all contemplated improvements to the assessment process.

5. Monitoring:

One hundred and eighty (180) days after the Final Report and its revisions have been published and disseminated to interested parties, the Provost will ask the Program Deans to provide a Monitoring Report outlining progress that has been achieved in the implementation of agreed upon changes geared towards quality-related improvements. Formal reviews shall be completed annually thereafter. Enhancements are noted and further areas requiring enhancement are identified. A summary of the Monitoring Report will be furnished to the Advisory Council for review and archiving.


Charisma University ensures the delivery of high-quality services through its Internal Quality System (IQAS). Administered by the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) Team, which includes the Senior Vice President for Internal Quality Systems, this system holds quarterly meetings via WebEx to assess and enhance various aspects of the university’s programs.

The Internal Quality Assurance System is designed to analyze and improve programs, aligning with standards set by the Council for Higher Education and Accreditation’s (CHEA) International Quality Group. Annually, the IQAS Team reviews Charisma University’s performance based on the CHEA framework. This evaluation focuses on internal control systems, policies, course contents, instructional methods, assessments, research, the working environment, and administration. The aim is to keep course contents current and practical, ensuring students can effectively apply their learning in real-world scenarios. The annual review process is comprehensive, covering program learning outcomes, instructional methods, assessment methods, the working environment, and administration, with a specific emphasis on “Program Learning Outcomes” and “Faculty Performance.

Quality assurance at Charisma University serves the following purposes:

  1. Enable the University to ensure that standards are relevant, competitive, and consistently maintained.
  2. Assure that quality issues are promptly and successfully addressed.
  3. Facilitate continuous quality enhancement.
  4. Provide timely, definitive, and accessible information to University stakeholders regarding the academic experience.
  5. Ensure that adequate resources support instruction and learning, maintaining and enhancing quality learning outcomes.


The annual evaluation conducted by the IQAS Team is based on key principles, where Charisma University is expected to:

  1. Develop and implement sound internal quality assurance systems supported by procedures to ensure standards are met.
  2. Apply quality and standards at the course level to enhance individual programs.
  3. Collect and maintain accurate, thorough, and reliable information about the quality of its programs and uniform implementation methods.
  4. Stringently review IQAS evaluation results, especially in terms of specific disciplines and programs.
  5. Assess external reference sources, including subject benchmarks.
  6. Evaluate internal systems supporting effective information management and their contribution to the administration of quality and standards.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are clear statements defining observable and measurable student performance, forming the basis for evaluating learners’ achievements. These statements outline the competencies students should master by the end of their program. PLOs, distinct from course-level outcomes, encompass the cumulative knowledge, skills, and attitudes acquired throughout the entire degree program at Charisma University.

Assessing PLOs involves evaluating students against expectations for knowledge and competencies, providing valuable insights for Charisma University leadership into the effectiveness of their programs in facilitating student learning. Establishing PLOs is a collaborative effort involving all faculty members, recognizing that learning transcends individual courses. Charisma University utilizes precise assessment tools to accurately gauge students’ learning across their respective programs.

PLOs: Assessment Measures

Charisma University employs two main types of assessment measures: direct and indirect. Direct assessment involves evaluating samples of student work that directly demonstrate acquired learning. On the other hand, indirect assessment relies on secondary data, including students’ perceptions of their learning and alumni feedback on their past experiences at the University.

Direct Assessment Measures:

The IQAS Team typically gathers direct assessment measures from individual or group assignments that students submit for evaluation. This includes individual work as well as collaborative projects. Examples of direct assessment measures include discussion questions, research papers, essays, case studies, service-learning, field work, and internships at the Program level.

Indirect Assessment Measures:

Indirect assessment measures focus on student/alumni opinions, rankings, and beliefs provided by external individuals. Unlike direct measures, these do not showcase student work but offer insights into students’ readiness for corporate performance, comparisons of university-based proficiencies with workplace colleagues, and overall stakeholder opinions.

PLOs: Instructional & Learning Strategies

In the context of Charisma University, the choice of assessment measures is a crucial responsibility of the IQAS Team. The team determines the appropriate measure by aligning it with Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs), which define expectations for student learning and competencies. Assessment measures serve as a reflection of the intersection between instructional methods, learning experiences, and the types of activities students engage in within individual Programs.

Teaching and learning strategies play a fundamental role in achieving student learning outcomes. Strategies such as lectures, discussions, assigned readings, discussion questions, research papers, and feedback contribute to student learning. At Charisma University, commonly used assessment measures for fundamental-level PLOs include research paper results, test results, and discussion questions results. Effective instructional strategies are essential for students to attain expected outcomes.

To meet the university’s expectations for student competencies and knowledge, faculty members are encouraged to be creative in their instructional methods and strategies. For instance, cyber approaches to learning, including lectures and discussions, may be used in introductory courses to introduce learners to basic concepts. As students progress through the Program, they encounter a variety of instructional methods, gradually advancing from fundamental to higher levels of expectations and methods for learning. It is important to note that at the Graduate and Doctoral Program levels, professors have flexibility in choosing pedagogical approaches suited to the sophistication and advanced knowledge of learners at these stages.

Quality Indicators at Charisma University

Charisma University employs quality indicators to enhance the assessment process, focusing on key areas such as Program structure, content, modes of delivery, student learning assessment, and resources.

1. Program Structure

The expected Program structure and policies are designed to align with specified Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and degree-level expectations. New Programs should justify their length and requirements, while existing Programs require ongoing monitoring and management.

2. Program Content

High-quality Program content reflects the current state of the discipline. Faculty members are encouraged to innovate, particularly in graduate Programs, where evidence of content review and alignment with global standards is essential.

3. Modes of Delivery

Delivery methods for distance online and onsite learning should be effective in achieving Program learning outcomes, ensuring appropriateness for each context.

4. Student Learning Assessment

This indicator emphasizes the use of both direct and indirect assessment methods, requiring faculty members and Program heads to demonstrate effective documentation and performance evaluation consistent with the University’s degree-level expectations.

5. Resources

All Programs are expected to fully leverage human, physical, and financial resources provided by the University to meet Program objectives. New Programs should demonstrate maximum utilization of existing resources and a commitment to supplementing them when necessary.

The collection of assessment evidence is based on an established procedure that is comprised of five components: a self-study report by the program being reviewed; external evaluation; internal response to review and recommendations; development and approval of implementation plan; and, monitoring on implementation of recommendations.

1. Self-Study Reports:

The Self-Study Report serves as the foundation of Program reviews and establishes Program quality indicators against which every Program is assessed. IQAS Team members will assure that key performance indicators include an analysis of student outcomes based on the current year as well as year-on-year performance. Said analysis shall allow for adequate consideration of significant variations in student achievement between various program components. The Report is broad-based and reflective such that it should demonstrate how the Program contributes to the attainment of Charisma University’s mission. The Self-Study report presents evidence supporting evaluations of Program requirements, PLOs, degree level expectations, as well as the required human and physical resources to make them achievable. The Self-Study Report also addresses issues and recommendations presented in earlier reviews. To accomplish this Self-Study Report, IQAS Team collaborates with staff members at the Provost’s Office so that they can access institutional data as well as other key indicators of program quality. Preferably, the IQAS Team solicits comments from other Program members as well as other University stakeholders as necessary. After the Self-Study Report has been completed, it is submitted to the Dean who, in turn, reviews it prior to formulating an action plan.

2. External Assessment and Reporting:

The IQAS Team, in collaboration with the respective Program Dean recommends to the Chief Academic Officer & Provost faculty leads who will serve as liaisons between university officials and external reviewers of each Program. These faculty leads should be tenured, active and esteemed in their respective fields. For undergraduate Programs, the IQAS Team requires that one faculty lead should be assisting external assessors in their completion of their processes, including gathering data for review, providing requested access, and other duties as assigned. On the other hand, for graduate Programs, two faculty leads shall be assigned to external assessors. Faculty leads may request assistance through Office of the President when data requests and associated tasks are labor intensive. External assessors are encouraged to engage with the IQAS Team as well as with other faculty, students, staff, and administrators. All participants are compelled to respect confidentiality throughout the process. The activities of the external assessors result in the submission of a final report to the appropriate Program Dean, Provost, the IQAS Team and University President. Charisma University shall rely on the services of educational providers such as Pearson and Spantran when consultation in necessary during periodic program reviews.

3. Response to Reports:

The Dean and IQAS Team, upon receiving the external reviewers’ reports, will convene to review recommendations, categorize them based on priority, and to consider their viability with Charisma University goals and resources in mind. Moreover, the Dean and IQAS Team will collaborate to respond to the external assessor’s report and submit this data to the Provost. Included in this Report Response is a proposed plan for improvements based on external review recommendations as well as a proposed timeline for implementation and completion. In the event that these plans would entail additional resources as well as potential modifications to organizational structure, system or policy, the Dean will convey proposed measures about how these changes can be effectively undertaken to the Office of the President.

4. Gaining Approval:

After receiving the Report Response, the Provost disseminates the Self-Study Report, the External Review Report as well as the Response Report to the Advisory Council and the IQAS Team. Again, utmost confidentiality must be assured in the handling, processing and responding to all of the reports and recommendations. The IQAS Team examines all of the assessment results and prepares a Final Assessment Report in accordance with its own Program assessment based on aforementioned direct and indirect measures. This Final Report synthesizes all of the assessment findings and recommendations, highlights the strengths of the Program being reviewed, and emphasizes the opportunities for improvement and enhancement. The Final Report also reflects agreed-upon plans for improvement made by the respective Program Dean.

During each FALL season, the IQAS Team, Provost and Program heads prepare an annual report to the Advisory Council pertaining to all program reviews accomplished during the academic year at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. They provide updates to the Council regarding the progress on implementation of the recommendations from the Final Report and are a direct reflection of Charisma University’s reviews and incorporating action plans. Charisma University shall assure that reporting has addressed year-on-year student satisfaction, retention and achievement, staff performance, and resourcing issues. They also update the Council pertaining to the schedule of reviews for the next academic year. All policy and procedural concerns are discussed so that a meeting may be convened to consider such issues. In turn, all of these reports, recommendations and updates are forwarded to their final destination, which is the Executive Leadership Committee of Charisma University. This leadership team subsequently approves any additional proposed changes, as well as any requests for additional resources as necessary. Upon approval, the Final Report will be posted on the Charisma University website and sent to the IQAS Team to serve as the standard for all contemplated improvements to the assessment process.

5. Monitoring:

One hundred and eighty (180) days after the Final Report and its revisions have been published and disseminated to interested parties, the Provost will ask the Program Deans to provide a Monitoring Report outlining progress that has been achieved in the implementation of agreed upon changes geared towards quality-related improvements. Formal reviews shall be completed annually thereafter. Enhancements are noted and further areas requiring enhancement are identified. A summary of the Monitoring Report will be furnished to the Advisory Council for review and archiving.

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